After a whirlwind visit to the City of Angels (LA) to attend my Pepperdine Alumni Leadership Council Winter Session meeting (more later) last Friday, 2/21, I was welcomed back in the Bay Area with these two wonderful messages from my Touro University Master’s of Ed. Innovative Learning students:
I am especially grateful that our class went well since I landed at LAX at 4pm. I then rushed to pick up my car rental and then to Pepperdine to get online to meet my students by 7:30pm. The students were amazing and it was one of my best classes ever. Kip Glazer, a second year Pepperdine Doctor of Learning Technologies student, is a friend and I am very happy that my students are citing her work! I am also beyond grateful that my students are appreciating our time together.
Although, I have and will likely continue to have my feet in numerous professional “worlds”, I have always known that I was meant to be a teacher and cherish my huge community of teacher friends and family. While I hope to be a successful entrepreneur and researcher, I will always place supreme importance on being a good teacher/facilitator.
Although, I have and will likely continue to have my feet in numerous professional “worlds”, I have always known that I was meant to be a teacher and cherish my huge community of teacher friends and family. While I hope to be a successful entrepreneur and researcher, I will always place supreme importance on being a good teacher/facilitator.